Thursday, January 31, 2008

yeyeh mid term break

supposly i be back home for a holiday but i have to attend the what so ever kursus. maybe dis programe will help me to get new friends. escape from banking class sbb mlm tu tak study for a quiz. ni sume idea alin. tapi ok gak dapt temankan toni, kimi & sam..hopefuly polis dpt tngkap dat oldrubbishstupidman ASAP.


fer said...

hi...were you in the incident to?(the samun thing)

paCat said...

oooo...pnteng klas banking...!!

Hazwan said...

ade pape ke ngan toni? :P

paCat said...

hahahahaha...tony amat kachak..!!!

Alin X said...

we shared da same story..